Test Week
Here I am in the Test week, documenting the tests for Storyboard and Paper Prototype.
Person A:
Is there anything you don’t understand?
“Is there anything you don’t agree with?”
As per the story app helped that person, will it work for everyone?
“Is there anything that wouldn’t work for you?”
It may work.
His friend was able to listen to Arjun.
Story showed because of kids he could not pay attention to his health.
Paper Prototype:
Example Task : How will she operate the app to find the right fitness exercises and diet.
Is there anything you don’t understand?
What does heart symbol do.
“Is there anything you don’t agree with?”
Doubting if the system will have story for everyone.
“Is there anything that wouldn’t work for you?”
It should work because of real life stories.
- There are ways to achieve the goals.
- You are not alone there is someone who faces similar situation before.
First page of the app has too much of text on it.
Improvement Suggestions:
Videos of Story will be more effective.
Person D:
Is there anything you don’t understand
Don’t agree with
Could have talked to his life partner first before discussing with his friend.
Is there anything that wouldn’t have worked for you
Office pressure is a serious problem, office people should know and also people around should be understanding so that person can solve his problem.
Positive or Negative
On the positive note - There exists someone who have had faced similar challenges.
Don’t Understand :
The second screen which is about how the app works, is not clear. The intent of the screen is not clear. The app is not asking about Gender in 3rd screen. There is no way to contribute a Story.
Is there anything your don’t agree with :
Story matching with real situation is difficult.
There should be more filters to understand the person i.e. screen which asks questions to understand the person.
Overall :
I like what “D” said about there exists someone who have had faced similar challenges. This could be a tag line. I also liked what D said about reality. People around including office should understand then only it will be successful.
Another thing I noticed is “A” complained about first screen but “D” did not. After listening to A there was a thought to abandon the first screen. The conclusion I can draw from this is two people can have different expectations and viewpoints of same screen.
One of the big mistakes in prototype was that screen’s didn’t have titles define. I believe that’s the reason some of the screens couldn’t be understood. This is turning out to be a good validation exercise.