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Week 50

Almost coming to an end of Prototype week. In parallel I have also started thinking about Portfolio website. Portfolio website is a sweet spot of who I am as an...

Test Week

Here I am in the Test week, documenting the tests for Storyboard and Paper Prototype.

Week # 50 - 2019

Its been a while since I wrote about my journey. Mostly I was blogging about Design thinking but not about my journey as such.

Why UX Design is essential for business success- Part Two

This is part two post. You can read part one here.

Prototype Week

I am having an amazing time prototyping. Had an amazing time in Empathize stage, Define and Ideate. Comparing joy of both is like comparing Apple and Oranges. I don’t mind...

Ideate Week

I had a great time Ideating last week. The reason why it was most interesting experience of my life is because : my mind was clouded with problems, doubts about...